Monday 12 March 2012

Knowledge - Unit 2

*1.1 Describe several communication techniques and explain their appropriate application*

-One communication technique is submitting in writing, and is a formal method often used for discussing topics with people of a higher working status (Managers etc)
-Email is a less formal technique, and is a common way of transferring data between peers in the workplace

*1.3 Describe how to give and receive constructive feedback*

-Don't be forceful
-Discuss improvements to be made, not harsh negatives
-Be considerate and calm

-Discuss with peers
-Listen to advice
-Be more accepting than reject advice

*1.4 Descirbe methods to communicate technical and specialist issues within and across teams*

-Simplify certain jargon, so it is more understandable
-Fully, and carefully explain topics
-Use visual aids

*2.1 Describe examples of effective presentation techniques*

-Some effective presentation techniques include, step by step analysis of your topic, using examples to help back up your ideas, giving key points to pieces pf informations and so on. These keep presentations quick and informative

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