Wednesday 21 March 2012

Knowledge - Unit 5

*1.1 Explain key roles and tasks in the production process*

-Designer -> Creates initial design
-Developer -> Creates prototype
-Builder -> Builds final product
-Assessor -> Checks design
-Consumer -> Uses product

*1.2 Outline how to clarify, agree and revise working arrangements in a way which promotes good working relationships*

-Discussion between client and designers
-Written contracts between clients and designers
-regular presentations to clients

*2.1 Explain the importance of balancing the needs of tasks and people*

-There has to be a good balance between tasks and people. Too much focus on the tasks, and staff will become overworked, and whilst the quality of work may improve for short time, the workforce will be unhappy, and will eventually stop producing good work. On the other hand, focus too much on the staff and they will begin to get accustomed to the lenient attitude of the supervisors, and again, standards of work will drop      

*2.2 Explain the importance of sharing information with colleagues*

-It is important to constantly safe information with colleagues for peer assessment on work. Peers can sometimes be good at spotting mistakes that you yourself have missed

*2.3 Identify ways of tactfully requesting others to change working agreements to improve own productivity*

-This can be done through discussion with managers etc. However The changes are most likely to come about through compromise. For example swapping hours with another employee or working different hours.

*2.4 Describe how to explain own decisions clearly and constructively*

-The best way to explain ideas and decisions that you have taken is to produce a presentation of the design process. For example creating a chart of workflow showing the different steps taken during the development

*2.5 Describe how to resolve conflict situations or dissertations*

-Calmy discussing ways in which the situation can be resolved. If There is a problem with a project, suggestions and alterations can be made by the client or a peer

*2.6 Explain the importance of liaison with colleagues to productivity*

-Communication between peers can greatly benefit productivity. This can be done by discussing different aspects of a project to be completed by different people

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