Friday 16 March 2012

Knowledge - Unit 3

*1.1 Descirbe the uses of technology within the creative media sector*

-Lots of technology is used within the creative media sector. The most prominent is computers, used for designing and creating final design digitally and communicating ideas and designs to others. Other pieces of technology can be used such as tablet PC's, which can be used for presentations etc.

*1.2 Describe key intellectual property and copyright issues, related to digital technology and content creation*

-Once a piece of intellectual work has been created, it can be protected with a copyright, patent or trademark. This means no-one else cant use your work and claim it as their own, or copy it to create different work. Similarly, they mean that you cannot copy others when creating work.

*2.1 Explain what is meant by 'converging technology' *

-Converging technology refers to many different aspects of technology being brought together for similar purposes. This can be for video playback, audio playback, reading documents etc.

*2.2 Explain the impact of converging technology on the workforce within specific Creative Media Industry*

-Converging technology has had a large impact on the Creative Media Industry and has improved it many different ways. For example it is not a lot easier to present ideas for design to people using many different mediums of technology. This can include presentations, demo videos, digital design sheets etc.

*3.1 Describe the changing expectations of audiences and consumers within a chosen Creative Media Industry*

-Clients within the creative media industry are now expecting more and more from artists in the creative media industry. However this increase in demand brings with it the promise of a low pay off, as no only do clients expect more, they expect it a a lower price. This can have drastic affects on those in the industry and they will be payed less and worked harder

*3.2 Describe examples of how ideas of multi-platform content have been used to reach new audiences and generate revenue*

-Ideas are now more accessible to people who may be less competent with certain technological mediums or those who do not have the access to them. This means more people can see the piece of work / media and more money can be made. However, this ideal of multi-platformed media can, in some cases, end up costing a company more money.

*4.1 Explain opportunities for exploiting converging technology*

-One of the main exploits of converging technology is the rising amount of peer to peer sharing. In some cases this system is very useful, as important pieces of information or files can be transferred, for example, between two separate offices of the same company. However recently the advances in peer to peers file sharing has become a method of sharing copyrighted material such as films, music, video games etc.

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