Wednesday 21 March 2012

Knowledge - Unit 5

*1.1 Explain key roles and tasks in the production process*

-Designer -> Creates initial design
-Developer -> Creates prototype
-Builder -> Builds final product
-Assessor -> Checks design
-Consumer -> Uses product

*1.2 Outline how to clarify, agree and revise working arrangements in a way which promotes good working relationships*

-Discussion between client and designers
-Written contracts between clients and designers
-regular presentations to clients

*2.1 Explain the importance of balancing the needs of tasks and people*

-There has to be a good balance between tasks and people. Too much focus on the tasks, and staff will become overworked, and whilst the quality of work may improve for short time, the workforce will be unhappy, and will eventually stop producing good work. On the other hand, focus too much on the staff and they will begin to get accustomed to the lenient attitude of the supervisors, and again, standards of work will drop      

*2.2 Explain the importance of sharing information with colleagues*

-It is important to constantly safe information with colleagues for peer assessment on work. Peers can sometimes be good at spotting mistakes that you yourself have missed

*2.3 Identify ways of tactfully requesting others to change working agreements to improve own productivity*

-This can be done through discussion with managers etc. However The changes are most likely to come about through compromise. For example swapping hours with another employee or working different hours.

*2.4 Describe how to explain own decisions clearly and constructively*

-The best way to explain ideas and decisions that you have taken is to produce a presentation of the design process. For example creating a chart of workflow showing the different steps taken during the development

*2.5 Describe how to resolve conflict situations or dissertations*

-Calmy discussing ways in which the situation can be resolved. If There is a problem with a project, suggestions and alterations can be made by the client or a peer

*2.6 Explain the importance of liaison with colleagues to productivity*

-Communication between peers can greatly benefit productivity. This can be done by discussing different aspects of a project to be completed by different people

Monday 19 March 2012

Knowledge - Unit 4

*1.1 Describe and compare different cultures of different Creative Media workplaces*

*1.2 Describe examples of challenging behaviours and issues in the workplace*

-Challenging behaviour in the Creative and Digital Media sector would be the same as it would in any other workplace. For example a very serious approach to racisism and discrimination. Some areas that are more specific to Digital Media would be the production of any products that have these traits, such as offending logos, images etc.

*1.3 Explain the role of the key people to inform in relation to those examples*

-The key members of a company to inform when such issues arise would most likely be supervisors or managers of the particular department. However in more serious or consistent cases, it may need to be reported to the head of a company, or the owner.

*1.4 Explain the impact of different behaviours and conduct in the workplace*

-Good behaviour: Having good behaviour in a workplace is very beneficial, as not only will you be more respected within the workplace by your peers and superiors, but it can also lead to a better chance of receiving promotions, pay rises and other such benefits.
-Bad behaviour: Bad behaviour within a workplace is a very serious matter and can be treat in a number of ways. From formal warnings, to reduced pay, to being fired.

*2.1 Describe affecting time management skill needed to plan a workload*

-One effective time management plan is to split your available time into segments for different tasks. These segments would be planning / designing, building, editing, and finalising. This means, if you split the time accordingly, you will be sure you have enough time in which to complete your tasks.

*2.2 Describe how to specify and agree timescales, budgets and resources.*

-This would be done by discussing with both your client and your supervisor (within a full time placement for a company) to specify what the client can provide, and what a supervisor or manager can provide. It can also be a case of researching similar items for reference. Time scales would again be something to discuss with a client, as they will have a specified time or date for completion of the project.

*2.3 Explain how to construct a simple project plan*

-Collect all the necessary information
-Discuss ideas with the client
-Discuss ideas with peers
-Create initial design board

*2.4 Explain the use of a contingency plan*

A contingency plan is used as a back up to an original plan. In a way it is also a compromise. For example if a client does not like a design, then you can use a contingency plan to have a slightly different deign that they may prefer.

*2.5 Explain the importance of sorting work, using version control and observing file naming conventions*

-Keep multiple copies of work for backup
-Save new versions often, and as separate files
-Name files according to version / itteration

*3.1 Explain what is meant by 'continuous professional development'*

-Keeping all work produced to the same standard. Ie. Producing work that is erratic in its quality and ability to fit purpose.
-Keeping in the knowledge of all the latest pieces of equipment used in the industry. Ie. Keeping up to date with changes to software and techniques etc.

*3.3 Describe opportunities for training and development and explain the relevance of those choices*

-New opportunities for training appear with the new advances in technology. For example changing hardware / software. By training staff in these changes, and how to use such pieces of equipment, you keep your workforce efficient and more able to complete given tasks.

Friday 16 March 2012

Knowledge - Unit 3

*1.1 Descirbe the uses of technology within the creative media sector*

-Lots of technology is used within the creative media sector. The most prominent is computers, used for designing and creating final design digitally and communicating ideas and designs to others. Other pieces of technology can be used such as tablet PC's, which can be used for presentations etc.

*1.2 Describe key intellectual property and copyright issues, related to digital technology and content creation*

-Once a piece of intellectual work has been created, it can be protected with a copyright, patent or trademark. This means no-one else cant use your work and claim it as their own, or copy it to create different work. Similarly, they mean that you cannot copy others when creating work.

*2.1 Explain what is meant by 'converging technology' *

-Converging technology refers to many different aspects of technology being brought together for similar purposes. This can be for video playback, audio playback, reading documents etc.

*2.2 Explain the impact of converging technology on the workforce within specific Creative Media Industry*

-Converging technology has had a large impact on the Creative Media Industry and has improved it many different ways. For example it is not a lot easier to present ideas for design to people using many different mediums of technology. This can include presentations, demo videos, digital design sheets etc.

*3.1 Describe the changing expectations of audiences and consumers within a chosen Creative Media Industry*

-Clients within the creative media industry are now expecting more and more from artists in the creative media industry. However this increase in demand brings with it the promise of a low pay off, as no only do clients expect more, they expect it a a lower price. This can have drastic affects on those in the industry and they will be payed less and worked harder

*3.2 Describe examples of how ideas of multi-platform content have been used to reach new audiences and generate revenue*

-Ideas are now more accessible to people who may be less competent with certain technological mediums or those who do not have the access to them. This means more people can see the piece of work / media and more money can be made. However, this ideal of multi-platformed media can, in some cases, end up costing a company more money.

*4.1 Explain opportunities for exploiting converging technology*

-One of the main exploits of converging technology is the rising amount of peer to peer sharing. In some cases this system is very useful, as important pieces of information or files can be transferred, for example, between two separate offices of the same company. However recently the advances in peer to peers file sharing has become a method of sharing copyrighted material such as films, music, video games etc.

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Flash Banner

I have recently created a flash banner to be used in the place of my current 'Dragon Gaming' Header. This creates a moving header for my website. The benefits of a moving banner are that it creates a more interesting and engaging experience for visitors. This in turn, means that people are more likely to either spend more time on my website or revisit it.

The best way to make a flash banner is by first designing a static banner. For example the one I have created here:

Next, identify a piece of the design to animate. I chose the sunburst in the background. I then split the banner into different layers. The sunburst, the gradient, the logo and the text. I then started constructing it

The first thing to do was create the sunburst in inkscape. Like so:

Then, animate it using Flash to spin:

Then, you assemble the different layers of the banner:

This type of animation has very many different applications, including banners, adverts, media windows etc. This creates a sense of professionalism and a much more interesting website

Monday 12 March 2012

Knowledge - Unit 2

*1.1 Describe several communication techniques and explain their appropriate application*

-One communication technique is submitting in writing, and is a formal method often used for discussing topics with people of a higher working status (Managers etc)
-Email is a less formal technique, and is a common way of transferring data between peers in the workplace

*1.3 Describe how to give and receive constructive feedback*

-Don't be forceful
-Discuss improvements to be made, not harsh negatives
-Be considerate and calm

-Discuss with peers
-Listen to advice
-Be more accepting than reject advice

*1.4 Descirbe methods to communicate technical and specialist issues within and across teams*

-Simplify certain jargon, so it is more understandable
-Fully, and carefully explain topics
-Use visual aids

*2.1 Describe examples of effective presentation techniques*

-Some effective presentation techniques include, step by step analysis of your topic, using examples to help back up your ideas, giving key points to pieces pf informations and so on. These keep presentations quick and informative

Friday 9 March 2012

Knowledge - Unit 1

*1.1 Describe the main types of employment status in the Creative Media sector*

-Web designers, specialising in web design software
-Graphic designers, specialising in image editing software

*1.2 Describe key legal and taxation differences between main types of employment status*

-When working as a freelance designer, there is no working contract and you only pay tax for yourself, whereas in a big company, tax is played through your employer. However as you are self employed, and any money earned is yours, and you do not get a set wage.
-When working for a design studio full time, there is both a working contract and taxation. These are in the form of legal agreements between the employer and employee, and pay checks.

*1.3 Explain the main implementations of each employment status, in relation to job security, flexibility and working patterns*

-Freelance :There is a lot of flexibility when working as a freelance artist, as you only need to complete work that you choose to do. Howver, this can lead to irratic work pattern and less security
-Full Time : There is less flexibility in a full time but more security and a more stable working pattern. This mean while it is not as easy to get time off or alter your working hours, there is more of a promise of work, and payment.

*2.1 Describe a range of prospective employers and the profiles and products of these employees*

-For an employee that functions well within all the different aspects of digital design, then a more permanent position within a studio is a better option, however for someone who specialises in one aspect of design, freelance work is more suited.

*2.2 Explain how to choose an employer in terms of own personal interests, knowledge, skills and job requirements*

-You could choose an employer for many different reasons. For example, you enjoy the work involved, you have the skills required, you have the sufficient work drive and ethic. It is only when you fufill these kinds of areas will you find a job you enjoy doing, and can do well.

*3.3 Describe and pitch a creative idea to an employer or commissioner*

-With peers : Discussion
-With a manager or supervisor : Presentation (Powerpoint etc)
-With a client : Design sheets (presentation of final product on different items)

Thursday 23 February 2012


I've made a fair amount of progress since my last post. My website has been finalised and is now live on the internet, Check it out at . Still having some compatibility with fonts for some reason, but will hopefully get those sorted soon. Meanwhile, I've started work on a portfolio webpage. Progress on that is coming along well. I've finalised a design and am currently building. Should have that finished soon.

Images are :

Screens of my website - Dragon gaming
Snapshot of portfolio design.